Potential Public Benefits
CLOSED: This public engagement period has ended.
As part of the July visioning workshop, attendees were asked to prioritize public benefits that may be required or encouraged in the Waterfront Gateway area. the responses included the following list of benefits and amenities:
- Parking
- Pedestrian connections
- Land for food carts & start ups
- Active ground floors
- Cross-site connectivity & paths
- Carousel
- Affordable/middle housing
- Linear park
- Adaptive reuse of the Webber building
- Central public space
- Institutional uses
- Theater
- Farmers market
- Plaza
- Museum
- Cultural Amenities
What's missing from the list? What would you like to see emphasized?
Note that all comments submitted using this form will be visible for other people to see on this page. The only identifier included with your comment will be your username. No other information about you will be visible or accessible.
When you're done here, please go back to the Waterfront Gateway Project page and complete the final "4. The Wish Tree" exercise!
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