Safe Stay Community #2
Consultation has concluded

In 2021, the Vancouver City Council approved a plan to create temporary, supportive Safe Stay Communities for people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in our community.
As part of this effort, the City opened its second Safe Stay Community on Thursday, April 28 at 4915 E. Fourth Plain Blvd, 98661, which is a City-owned property.
Before deciding to move forward with the second Safe Stay Community, City staff conducted significant outreach to neighboring residents, business owners and community groups. Thank you to those who shared their input through the online survey and two informational meetings. While many people expressed support for the City’s efforts to address homelessness, some felt that the location was not a good fit. The City takes these concerns seriously and is working with our partners at Living Hope Church to ensure that the Safe Stay Community remains a success for everyone.
Community open house
An open house was held from 4 to 6 pm on Tuesday, April 26. Neighbors and community members visited the site and met the non-profit operator, Living Hope Church.
How to stay involved
If community members are interested in volunteering or donating to support the second Safe Stay Community, they can contact Living Hope Church by emailing [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
Safe Stay Communities are temporary housing communities offering residents greater access to services, increased stability, and safe, healthy, and humane living conditions to support transitioning out of homelessness. Each Safe Stay Community has 20 two-person structures that offer safe shelter for up to 40 residents. A nonprofit operator will provide 24/7 onsite management and services.
Health and safety are major priorities for the city and its partners. For this reason, all Safe Stay Communities will have screening or fencing, will provide sanitation and hygiene services, and offer a range of health services on site.
When determining where to propose a Safe Stay Community, the City of Vancouver considers four primary factors:
- Dispersing Safe Stay Communities equitably throughout the city,
- Availability of public transit
- Assessing residential areas with heightened economic vulnerability
- Acute need resulting from camping in nearby parks, pathways or greenways
The property at 4915 E. Fourth Plain Blvd, 98661, is a city-owned property with access to public transportation and local services. As part of the Safe Stay Community’s management, the city is working with local nonprofits and the city’s Homelessness Assistance and Resources Team (HART) to relocate unhoused residents to the site. For this proposed location, that includes unhoused residents living in camps along Burnt Bridge Creek Greenway. With the Safe Stay Community now open, public camping is not allowed within 1,000 feet.
On Monday, Feb. 7, 2022, the Vancouver City Council voted unanimously to award a professional services contract to Living Hope Church for the operation of the city’s second Safe Stay Community. Living Hope Church has extensive experience providing shelter and outreach services to those experiencing homelessness in the community.
The nonprofit runs daily operations at the Safe Stay Community ensuring safety, security and sanitation measures are maintained, and that residents have access to the stabilization resources and services they need. Staff from Living Hope Church are providing onsite services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For questions, concerns or volunteer opportunities, please contact: [email protected]
Safe Stay Communities help address the immediate impacts of homelessness on community health, safety, and cleanliness, including removal of garbage, trash and clutter in public spaces and relocation of residents living in tents or vehicles in public rights of way. Once a proposed Safe Stay Community is open, public camping is not allowed within 1,000 feet.
The city's first Safe Stay Community, located at 11400 N.E. 51st Circle in east Vancouver, opened in December 2021 on another city-owned property. Since opening, this community has successfully provided its residents with referrals for permanent housing, job placement support and access to critical health and treatment services necessary to exit homelessness. To learn more about the first Safe Stay Community, we invite you to watch the video below:
Homelessness is a complex topic that can only be addressed by working together with a wide range of city, county and community partners. Groups working to address homelessness in Vancouver include, Clark County, Council for the Homeless, Share Vancouver, Clark County Food Bank, Outsiders Inn, Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, and Vancouver Public Schools' Family-Community Resource Centers.
The City of Vancouver's Homelessness Response Plan seeks to address the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness, as well the safety and sanitation needs of the community, including:
- Garbage, trash and clutter in public spaces
- Residents living in tents/vehicles in public rights-of-way
- Livability concerns for the unhoused, including the removal of barriers to accessing services
The City's Homeless Assistance & Resources Team (HART) provides compassionate outreach and assistance to folks living unsheltered and serves as a point of contact for community members who may be concerned about safety or sanitation. The team includes staff from the City Manager’s Office, Vancouver Police Department, Public Works Department, and City Attorney's Office. You contact HART by using the MyVancouver app, emailing [email protected] or calling 360-487-8626.
To share questions, concerns or learn more about volunteer opportunities, please contact Safe Stay Community non-profit operator Living Hope Church at [email protected].
If you have general comments about homelessness in Vancouver, not specific to this Safe Stay Community location, please email them to [email protected].
If you'd like to report an active or abandoned campsite, sanitation concern or community member in need of supportive services, please contact the Homeless Assistance & Resources Team (HART). You may contact HART by using the MyVancouver app, emailing [email protected] or calling 360-487-8626.