Racial Justice Listening Session Notes: June 18, 2020

City of Vancouver: Racial Justice Listening Session

June 18, 2020, 5:30 p.m.


City leadership shared perspective and setting the foundation for this meeting. Acknowledged that racism exist in this community and as public servants has a duty to act.

Intention of meeting was to be a listening session. Participants are asked to keep an open mind and hearts, recognition that this is not a public meeting, and not recorded with the intention of keeping this a safe space for sharing. City leadership stated these sessions will be used to inform the City of Vancouver’s work in advancing social justice. Further explanation was given for the decision to not record as a way of protecting community members who shared. This is one of additionally scheduled community listening sessions. Information will be summarized in themes and shared with the broader community. Assurances where given protecting participants anonymity and a few ground rules were established.

Participants were asked to listen respectfully and reminded to stick to the topic of racial injustice. Ground rules also reminded participants that racist or inflammatory comments would not be tolerated and if there were any comments that caused additional trauma to people of color they would be muted from the online meeting.

Of the anticipated 36 participants, 11 did not respond when asked to speak. Statements where paraphrased and paired down to protect anonymity while maintaining the integrity of what was being expressed.

Generalized statements:

  • Glad that there are more opportunities in the future for people of color to speak. Being not racist isn’t the same of being anti-racist. There is no in between space of racism and anti- racist. Calling for us as a (community) to be actively anti-racist. Wants our community to be welcoming. Extreme white privilege exists in this community, and some folks of color have had the ability to pass as white but are POC.

  • Diversity is all or our work, speaking from a White male perspective. Too many of us didn’t spend time with people who weren’t like them. Learned from being with people of color. When people don’t understand, he believed it came from a place of isolation. Was also an educator and believes in connecting with others. Also believes that we all can reach our full potential when these connections happen. Taught through multiple systems and race doesn’t stop potential but limits ability to be successful. We all need to work on this! Rethink policing and allow, space for a code of ethics, training, job descriptions should be reviewed by all us-the broader community. Call on citizens to help with this and absorb the burden. Community has the best solutions for community problems. People of color need to be heard. Organize an effective system for them to be heard. Reorganize law enforcement and reorganize gov’t structure to do the same.

  • Acknowledged one person doesn’t speak for the whole black community or Latin X community. Have had personal experiences of racism and feels it is important to amplify the voice of her community. All people are impacted by injustice. Behaviors that we participate in, cause many communities to be impacted by racism. BIPOC bias, exists in the world and there is even a physical response in the way that our bodies respond to prejudice. Individuals may be accused of acting out, when trying to press back in the entire belief system we are living in. Some people under hand support it. Bias’s threatens POC by telling us that a black person is not safe. Everyone is impacted by it. Putting people in power who are not keeping our community safe, including a for profit prison system, mental health spaces, education is part of the problem. The education community isn’t there. Black neighbors must go and find private education for children whose needs aren’t being met in schools. This is about inclusion and not division, experienced privileges and disparities. There is a hierarchy in race the closer to whiteness the safer we are native, and blacks have the biggest hurt. What is law enforcement responsibility, how can we get support for mental health services? Racism is real. It sucks. How are budget dollars being used, are we making investments in police officer training? We must have these conversations at our dinner tables and not put the burden on people of color, hold people of color in safety.

  • Offended by the look of the panel (lacking POC) If you want to talk about racism, why are we talking about what it is, everybody should know what it is. Offended by being called African American and feels it doesn’t go together with black. Black individuals don’t own anything without it being hijacked by other races. When protests started a lot of white people where rioting and blaming blacks. Does not want to be called a person of color. Does not identify with that. Sick and tired of combining issues and need to focus on the needs of Black’s. We are not starting out on the same playing field if you are not black you can’t understand, driving while black, or having had guns pulled on you by police. Speaking from experience wants to know …What you guys are going to do? Please don’t patronize us, no one has talked to him before and it appears that all you want to do is talk. The problems aren’t with black people the problem is with people who aren’t black. When asked to summarize, stated you can’t summarize trauma and asked what you are going to do for him.

  • When navigating this community wonder if there are any black people that live here. We are not a part of any marketing in this city, our families worked in the shipyards, we have a history here. When I am out in the community people assumed because I was black that I don’t have a husband, being told that my kids are well behaved. I have had a white man follow me in a way that felt unsafe, I called the police, and there was no follow up. As a mother I must ensure that my kids stay safe. I have had heated conversations with Evergreen Public Schools Administrators about my children’ negative experiences. We moved to Vancouver for economic reasons but the ignorance and refusal to recognize racism here makes me want to move to a more diverse community. This community has Davis Park with a confederate flag flying, 3 out of the last 5 people murdered by VPD where people of color, we wanted to name a park Lynch park, there is mass incarceration. Vancouver needs to create its image. We need to continue to have these discussions, we need real change. Have things that are near and dear to people hearts.

  • Part of the community for years. Appreciated the opportunity to speak to you about racial justice. We need systematic change and when will the change come? Participants family had to be in by sundown, inside the house, there where certain streets we couldn’t go to because they were unsafe, they were primarily white streets. She has experienced 5 generations of oppression and in public white people fear her. She now tells her children and grandchildren the same things her parents told her about being black and safe. She told to her children and now her grandchildren that they are at the mercy of the law. Acknowledgement of Vancouver’s first families and suggest reading the book sponsored by the NAACP. This social harm has been placed on the black community from 1600 to 2020.

  • Identify as Indian/Asian and Physician in this community has been asked “aren’t people so nice and friendly here” believes they are nice to the affluent. This community racially profiles POC and puts them in areas that are not as well funded or resourced. Segregation continues by force by keeping lots of police in their communities. We need police to improve the quality of life in communities. POC that came from influence, lucked out. Poor communities’ resources are lacking, defund the police, take that money and demand certain things in our communities, stop school to prison pipeline, invest in mental health workers and social workers. This will help the community understand better and assist them in being a better part of society. Stop segregating. Demand that the federal gov’t provides a full investigation into police brutality. Students in school’s have police instead of counselors or social workers there should be more mental health workers in school. We should demand reparations for police brutality, demand re-trials for people of color, how many are in jails for crimes that they did not commit? They should have a re-trial. We should abolish kid jails and get rid of mandatory sentencing.

  • Was nervous about moving here. Went to the Clark County fair and saw plenty of confederate flags and Neo Nazi propaganda. Saw Neo-Nazi propaganda /posters posted in his community and took them down, wondered why community members or law enforcement or city workers had not removed them. His partner was worried about him so they bought a small dog so that he could take with him when walking in the community so that he wouldn’t appear intimidating as a big black man. Worries that people aren’t aware of the, coded signals and language, of white supremacists but has seen it on bumper stickers and that scares him. Patriot prayer, proud boys, are deeply infiltrated into the Clark County Sheriff dept. Study symbols to remain safe. We don’t lose sight of this social discourse and black lives killed. People don’t deserve a death sentence for being black.

  • Grateful for the city of Vancouver working to bring change. Lived here for 10 years, is an educated Christian black woman and a therapist. Had to work in PDX due to racism. I feel like I have seen some changes. Work as a therapist here and an associate pastor. We can all do better. Get rid of stigma, and bias’s advocate for kids at school, they say they stay out of the way. More community involvement.

  • Apologized, if anyone that was a POC was wait listed. Identified as White male. Stated that the public system never taught slavery, Jim crow, voter suppression, that marginalized or disenfranchised people of color. Vancouver was is home to 2 race hate group white supremacist

  • White Lives matters, and people waiving confederate flags. VPS disciplines kids of color at a higher rate than black kids. VPS killed 3 people 2 of color in the past year, and one was still an EPS student. City of Vancouver has a 12 billion budget and 227 sworn staff, only 14 fte in community policing and only 1 position dedicated to homelessness. What are the budget priorities? What are you doing to address hate crimes? And Neo/Nazi gangs? Personally, reviewed policies, many seem to be aligned with national policy. What is the cultural impression of what is happening in the community? Police officers are displaying in your advertising material wearing a blue lives matter flag on their uniform while shaking hands with the VPD police chief. The thin blue line flag is opposed to racial justice.

  • Thanks for the meeting. How many meetings have you had in the past? I feel like this isn’t the last time that being a person of color comes with harm, and we act as if nothing has ever happened before. Was walking in his community and saw a police officer who just sat and watched him. Believes they were called on him. Feels fear in this community as a Black man. Neighbors are nice but it is a façade. Joined the Next-Door app and sees many racist comments. Why are you taking action now? What are we going to be in the future? I hope this isn’t just a box to check. How will you hold police officers accountable for their actions? These meetings should be held in the evening so that people who work can participate.There needs to be transparency in data collection. Stands with humanity and what is right.

  • Was quite moved by participants stories. Fixing institutionalized racism is not the problem of people of color. It will never get fixed until white people step up to fix it. Police violence led to this. We have room for improvement. Police brutalize because they can get away with it, the taxpayers are responsible for it. Police need to pay for their own malpractice. Doctors and atty’s are required to obtain malpractice insurance, it should be the same for police officers. Once they reach the maximum claim liability, they become uninsurable and can no longer work. That way their malpractice isn’t on the backs of taxpayers. There is nothing scarier than not being able to be insured. If individual officers are held individually responsible for what they do this could de-politicize police. It would prevent the protection of their bad apples above public safety and police unions can help to pay for it. This suggestion may call for radical change, but we might be able to get to innovative solutions in even when we are not in a hot spot.

  • Caucasian woman daughter of immigrants. Mother of 4 black sons. I want to speak from my heart. My children experienced racism in schools, in local parks, and I have lacked community. I was isolated in a lot of ways. My son was a teen driver and was pulled over, he pulled into the parking lot of my job even though I wasn’t there, he felt he needed protection in case something went wrong, maybe one of my colleagues would see and protect him. He didn’t tell me initially about it because he knows I am passionate. Police asked to search his car and asked if he had marijuana, they told him if he admitted it, they would just give him a ticket but if they found it, they would be arresting him. My son had nothing in the car. It doesn’t matter, the infraction should be the same regardless of outcome. My husband was pulled over, with one of my sons and as my son was looking in his wallet for ins. My black husband was asked if he was the legal guardian. They saw my blonde son and assumed it wasn’t his father.They approached my blonde son in a more empathetic way then my other son. My son’s car once caught on fire and he was afraid to call for help based on how he wat previously treated by police. He felt real fear. Representation matters, my children seeing people like them matter. The appointment of Clarissa Hightower to EPS as a Director of Equity is a huge step. I will help the district move forward. It is important that the city of Vancouver and the Vancouver police do the same thing. It starts with listening. I am willing to volunteer my time to help move this forward.

  • Have lived for 65 years and lived through segregation, wants to see actions not words. Has been through similar processes before and feel that we really need to see change. Does not want this to look like we are just going through the motions.

  • Moved to Vancouver 5 years ago with a one-year old son. Child is in VPS, and lucky enough to have a black principal. The black community is disconnected here, there are no community events that celebrate being black here. What does the city do for Black History month? How do they celebrate and honor Juneteenth? Where and how are the City of Vancouver officials showing up for activism?

  • Lived in Vancouver for close to 40 years kids are students in VPS, lived a pretty low-income life and a child of an openly gay mother. Experienced bias and hatred because her mom was openly gay. Knows she can’t fully understand what black and brown community are experiencing but knows that this community can demonstrate hate.

  • Has been a minority in this community have experienced a specific amount of racial targeting. Someone tried to run her family off the road. When she called 911 the dispatcher stopped her and asked her what she did to provoke someone to run them off the road. When she said she was Korean they cut her off and said well what happened, she feels that (911) operators need training as well. When she expressed to law enforcement that it was racial, they dismissed her and said, “well they had Oregon plates and wasn’t from here”. This community is very white and hard for this community to recognize that racism is here. Some people stop reporting when their concerns get dismissed. I want to be proud of the community that I live in and I am not proud of it right now.

  • There is not enough investment in police working with PAL, or boys and girls club. There is a significant Pacific Islander community here and VPD shot and killed Joseph a 16-year-old student who was having a mental health breakdown. They did not call for back up and are fortunate that there was no rioting in the streets after that killing. The fact is we must have a safe space for people of color. I can speak to this as a white person, I had a gun pulled on me for talking on my cell phone while driving. We give them guns or dogs. The guy who killed Joseph is still employed with VPS but is now on the k-9 unit. On your materials Police is mention 117 times and social service is only mentioned twice. People who work for the force and want to make changes are treated like 3rd party citizens. We fear the police, what happens when they are having a bad day? This forum needs to be open to the community.

  • Has lived in Vancouver for 30 years wants folks to know that the NAACP has a legal redress committee. It is a volunteer committee that investigates complaints and refers folks to organizations that support civil rights complaints. Feels that the information shared today is deeply troubling. Clark County and the City of Vancouver has it share of issues. Would like information sent to participants regarding the NAACP legal redress committee if they need help in filing a complaint. The goal is to make sure people are given the opportunity to be heard. We want to make sure that we give the opportunity for people to be heard. Some of the changes they would like to see are more African Americans in leadership positions. Increased supports for AA in Employment, housing, and procurement of gov’t contracts. The city needs to look inward AA only make up 3% of their work force. Yet are way overrepresented in policing. Pass on affordable housing funds to people of color, overrepresented in ability to obtain housing and underrepresented in housing placement and solutions. Many concerns with unethical policing. Taxpayers should not be paying for police officers to wear their political ideology in the form of Blue lives matter paraphernalia.

  • Felt she had to conform as Latina, worried that the Proud boys or KKK would destroy her. Doesn’t understand why the same level of policing with the impromptu car show or Patriot boys, spewing hate speech doesn’t match the same level of policing for peaceful Black Lives Matter marches. High racial injustices. We need to take a stand. The mayor needs to use her voice.

Specific Calls to Action from Participants:

  • Reallocate police funds to social services
  • Police have Body Cams and Dash Cams
  • Police pay for their own liabilities
  • Police are self-insured and need insurance to be employed
  • Remove all Blue Lives Matter from any Uniform, Vehicle or Spaces that tax dollars are funding
  • Diversity/Hire more African Americans in leadership and through out the City of Vancouver’s
  • Increase affordable housing for African Americans
  • Show next steps and actions/ no more talking or community groups
  • Make community groups public
  • Increase the number of African American contractors and Bid opportunities with the city.
  • Create a City Equity Position like EPS
  • Acknowledge people of color in this community and their History
  • Read First Families book
  • Read Joy Degury- Post Traumatic Slave Dis-order book
  • Clear pro-active plan for law enforcement to abolish hate groups.
  • Higher level of policing for white nationalist groups and less policing for Peaceful Black protesters
  • Celebrate Juneteenth as a holiday.
  • Have African American Cultural Events and Celebrations/concerts/festivals
  • Support Black and Brown Businesses
  • Demand police reparations where people have been hurt
  • Volunteer with POC organization
  • Take an African American person out for a meal to learn more and you pay
  • Your website should have African American people on it, the city advertising should show Black people live in this community.
  • Practice community policing and police officers should have a positive presence in neighborhoods.
  • Bring back bicycle policing
  • Build authentic relationships in communities.
  • Stop over policing poorer community.
  • More training in mental health and working with minority communities for police
  • Stop profiling including children in hoodies.
  • DEI Training for police, city leadership, and broader community
  • Create an alternative to policing.
  • Create places for black people to connect.
  • Ensure there is Diversity in leadership
  • Police Accountability and Oversight, increased transparency and outside investigations when someone is killed or harmed.
  • Get rid of cops who have killed someone.
  • Acknowledge the Thin blue lines and allegiance with white nationalist groups and put an end to it.
  • Have Independent investigative team. Ensure they have people who are the most impacted participating them, People of color…unhoused individuals.
  • Look inward, who are you reaching out to? Go out to churches, Urban League, go into neighborhood a community to recruit people.
  • Remove onerous, background checks or processes that limit participation in oversight committees.
  • More accountability with proud boys, and law enforcement lack of enforcement with white hate groups.It appears that there is no police interest when white people congregate. Seems to be when Caucasian males are congregating ie. 300 people with marching without a single presence of law enforcement when it is white men some with guns.
  • Increase Infrastructure, sidewalks, digital divide, access, to the broader community.Internet should be available to all who want it even if they can’t afford it.
  • Elected officials need to show up for activism
  • Police need to increase positive relationships with Black and Brown youth
  • Equity Training for (911) dispatchers
  • Police should go to schools and build relationships with kids not police them, hand out stickers, talk about why kids matter.
  • Ban confederate flags, remove confederate monuments, taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for symbols that mock or marginalize their existence. Or only celebrate white symbolism
  • Increased black and brown engagement and leadership in the CREDC.
  • Media-Columbian practices erasure, African Americans are rarely discussed in interviews and have no presence in local media.
  • The city has power to maintain hiring that is equitable in our city and beyond.
  • Increased resources into behavioral health.
  • Transparency in the police complaint process and action when complaints happen
  • Affirming black lives matter from the police
  • Police department should reflect the community it serves
  • Timelines for change should be shared with community
  • Change Use of force policies
  • Eight Can’t Wait
  • Vancouver Public School Board should replace their empty Board Seat with a black woman or black man
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