Planning the Art Plan - Workshop #2
On Wednesday, August 28,, a group of professional artists and art business people gathered and discussed some initial components of a comprehensive Public Art Plan for the City of Vancouver.
Following is a summary of what we discussed, and after reading the summary, we invite you to give us some feedback!
Acquisition Types - How should the City should acquire art?
Artwork considered for acquisition must have a direct connection to the arts programming and objectives of the City. The type of acquisition may vary and may include ceremonial gifts, commissions or art competitions, or donations/bequeaths. The Culture, Arts & Heritage Commission approves all artwork designated for the City’s Public Art Collection. Projects with high visibility or significant costs may require approval by the City Council.
The Culture, Arts & Heritage Commission takes into account the extent to which an acquisition meets the criteria and objectives of the Public Art Collection, and any other factors that may influence acceptance or rejection of an acquisition. A chief consideration is whether the work can be sited rather than stored, or is temporary.
Scope of Collection
The scope of collection for a Public Art Collection is important and should be considered carefully. There was much discussion of the sharing of knowledge and expertise of other municipalities' scope of collections. After such discussion and further research, the following scope is proposed as a draft:
The City of Vancouver’s Public Art Collection consists of artwork acquired through donations or through commission or purchase under the authority of Vancouver City Council. The Culture, Arts & Heritage Commission and Cultural Services Manager are responsible for the development, administration, and management of the Collection with advice provided by the Public Art Committee.
The Collection includes primarily original two- and three-dimensional, freestanding, and integrated artworks. The Collection is intended to be inclusive and contain works from both established and emerging artists from multiple genres.
The following criteria are considered by the Culture, Arts & Heritage Commission and the Public Art Committee when assessing artwork for inclusion in the collection:
- Artwork is produced by local, state or regional artists. The artist’s credentials, recognition and quality of work will be reviewed.
- The work contributes to the documentation and interpretation of the culture and heritage of Vancouver;
- The work is original and of aesthetic quality or value similar to pieces already in the Collection and would contribute to the Collection as a whole;
- The work will appeal to a broad community audience as well as future generations;
- The work is in suitable condition for use and exhibition;
- Durability and safety of any artwork designed for permanent display;
- Appropriate site availability and the relationship and scale of the artwork to the proposed site, surroundings and to the collection as a whole;
- Maintenance requirements. Because the City must be able to provide proper storage and care, no artwork will be accepted that requires extensive or extraordinary preservation and care.
Work not consistent with the scope of the City’s Public Art Collection shall be accepted only in rare circumstances and only after review and recommendation from the Culture, Arts & Heritage Commission.
Outgoing – Works of art that are part of the City of Vancouver’s Public Art Collection and are not permanently installed in a specific location may be considered for loans for special exhibitions in public spaces. City staff may cancel loans for good cause at any time.
Artwork in the Public Art Collection may also be loaned to educational, non-profit or private organizations for the purpose of exhibition in publicly accessible areas. Loan requests must be submitted to the City of Vancouver at least two months before the proposed loan period. The borrower is responsible for all costs related to the loan unless otherwise agreed upon. It is the responsibility of the City staff to review and approve or decline loan requests. Loans will only be approved if the borrower is willing to agree to the appropriate terms as stipulated in the loan agreement. All requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Long term loans will not be permitted unless approved by the Culture, Art & Heritage Commission.
Incoming – The City of Vancouver may borrow artwork from individuals, artists, galleries, educational institutions, or other arts organizations for the purpose of exhibition in public spaces. Decisions regarding incoming loans are made by city staff. Loans will only be approved if the lender is willing to agree to the appropriate terms as stipulated in the loan agreement prepared by the City of Vancouver. All requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Long term loans will not be permitted unless approved by the Culture, Art & Heritage Commission.
Further Discussions
The group discussed the need for a mission statement for the city's Public Art Collection, which we'll discuss and draft at a future workshop.Public comment is now closed.
The community engagement portion of this project has been completed.