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Please register using the link in the upper right corner of the page and submit your questions about any City-related topic. We will respond as quickly as possible (usually within a few days). If your question is about something the City doesn't directly manage or work on, we will provide you with contact information for the agency or organization that does.

You will receive an email notification when we've posted a response. Your question and our answer will also be posted on this page for all to see, so please leave any personal information out of your question.

If you prefer not to register on the Be Heard Vancouver site in order to ask a question, you can email us at [email protected] instead. We will respond within 3-5 working days, depending on how complex your question is.

Please register using the link in the upper right corner of the page and submit your questions about any City-related topic. We will respond as quickly as possible (usually within a few days). If your question is about something the City doesn't directly manage or work on, we will provide you with contact information for the agency or organization that does.

You will receive an email notification when we've posted a response. Your question and our answer will also be posted on this page for all to see, so please leave any personal information out of your question.

If you prefer not to register on the Be Heard Vancouver site in order to ask a question, you can email us at [email protected] instead. We will respond within 3-5 working days, depending on how complex your question is.


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  • Share Where do I find the 18th Street Improvement Project details, i.e. timeline, RFQ's etc. on Facebook Share Where do I find the 18th Street Improvement Project details, i.e. timeline, RFQ's etc. on Twitter Share Where do I find the 18th Street Improvement Project details, i.e. timeline, RFQ's etc. on Linkedin Email Where do I find the 18th Street Improvement Project details, i.e. timeline, RFQ's etc. link

    Where do I find the 18th Street Improvement Project details, i.e. timeline, RFQ's etc.

    Jeffrey asked 5 months ago

    Thank you for your question. More details about the Northeast 18th Street Improvement Project can be found online:

    Corridor improvements have been planned and carried out in segments, to better manage funding needs. The next segment of this street to be upgraded to urban standards will be west of Interstate 205, between Northeast 97th and 107th avenues. Design for this segment is underway.

  • Share The house across the street from me was featured in a Colombian article as “ housing for the mentally ill” after months of calling the police because of behaviors spanning public drug use and public pooping and urinating in the street derelict RVs neighbor restraining orders ext. This is the first we’re hearing that all of this is somehow citify sanctioned?? I’m fairly liberal and believe people need a place to live, but in the middle of a residential neighborhood, with zero evidence of any support services being offered?? So here’s my actual question… is this even legal? Can just anyone cram 10 people into a 700 square foot one bathroom house stack people in the driveway and garage ( no sewer service?!) and who exactly is pocketing the I assume state funds for this? on Facebook Share The house across the street from me was featured in a Colombian article as “ housing for the mentally ill” after months of calling the police because of behaviors spanning public drug use and public pooping and urinating in the street derelict RVs neighbor restraining orders ext. This is the first we’re hearing that all of this is somehow citify sanctioned?? I’m fairly liberal and believe people need a place to live, but in the middle of a residential neighborhood, with zero evidence of any support services being offered?? So here’s my actual question… is this even legal? Can just anyone cram 10 people into a 700 square foot one bathroom house stack people in the driveway and garage ( no sewer service?!) and who exactly is pocketing the I assume state funds for this? on Twitter Share The house across the street from me was featured in a Colombian article as “ housing for the mentally ill” after months of calling the police because of behaviors spanning public drug use and public pooping and urinating in the street derelict RVs neighbor restraining orders ext. This is the first we’re hearing that all of this is somehow citify sanctioned?? I’m fairly liberal and believe people need a place to live, but in the middle of a residential neighborhood, with zero evidence of any support services being offered?? So here’s my actual question… is this even legal? Can just anyone cram 10 people into a 700 square foot one bathroom house stack people in the driveway and garage ( no sewer service?!) and who exactly is pocketing the I assume state funds for this? on Linkedin Email The house across the street from me was featured in a Colombian article as “ housing for the mentally ill” after months of calling the police because of behaviors spanning public drug use and public pooping and urinating in the street derelict RVs neighbor restraining orders ext. This is the first we’re hearing that all of this is somehow citify sanctioned?? I’m fairly liberal and believe people need a place to live, but in the middle of a residential neighborhood, with zero evidence of any support services being offered?? So here’s my actual question… is this even legal? Can just anyone cram 10 people into a 700 square foot one bathroom house stack people in the driveway and garage ( no sewer service?!) and who exactly is pocketing the I assume state funds for this? link

    The house across the street from me was featured in a Colombian article as “ housing for the mentally ill” after months of calling the police because of behaviors spanning public drug use and public pooping and urinating in the street derelict RVs neighbor restraining orders ext. This is the first we’re hearing that all of this is somehow citify sanctioned?? I’m fairly liberal and believe people need a place to live, but in the middle of a residential neighborhood, with zero evidence of any support services being offered?? So here’s my actual question… is this even legal? Can just anyone cram 10 people into a 700 square foot one bathroom house stack people in the driveway and garage ( no sewer service?!) and who exactly is pocketing the I assume state funds for this?

    Rosemary Fulkerson asked 10 months ago

    Hi Rosemary, Thanks for your message. The City does not issue home care licenses, but we do address code violations. You can learn about the requirements for home care agencies at and reach out 360-236-2957 with specific questions about this property. To report a potential code concern please use our handy form: and our code compliance team will reach out!

  • Share I noticed that speed bumps were added to Bernie Dr. just recently. This is great, however, when are speed bumps going to be added to Lincoln Avenue? I'd appreciate knowing the city's infrastructure process on adding this speed regulation first to a curvy road that already encourages drivers to slow down, instead of to a straight thoroughfare that regularly has drivers hitting speeds over 50mph on a residential road. Additionally, can you please give an update on when sidewalks will be added all along Lincoln Ave? on Facebook Share I noticed that speed bumps were added to Bernie Dr. just recently. This is great, however, when are speed bumps going to be added to Lincoln Avenue? I'd appreciate knowing the city's infrastructure process on adding this speed regulation first to a curvy road that already encourages drivers to slow down, instead of to a straight thoroughfare that regularly has drivers hitting speeds over 50mph on a residential road. Additionally, can you please give an update on when sidewalks will be added all along Lincoln Ave? on Twitter Share I noticed that speed bumps were added to Bernie Dr. just recently. This is great, however, when are speed bumps going to be added to Lincoln Avenue? I'd appreciate knowing the city's infrastructure process on adding this speed regulation first to a curvy road that already encourages drivers to slow down, instead of to a straight thoroughfare that regularly has drivers hitting speeds over 50mph on a residential road. Additionally, can you please give an update on when sidewalks will be added all along Lincoln Ave? on Linkedin Email I noticed that speed bumps were added to Bernie Dr. just recently. This is great, however, when are speed bumps going to be added to Lincoln Avenue? I'd appreciate knowing the city's infrastructure process on adding this speed regulation first to a curvy road that already encourages drivers to slow down, instead of to a straight thoroughfare that regularly has drivers hitting speeds over 50mph on a residential road. Additionally, can you please give an update on when sidewalks will be added all along Lincoln Ave? link

    I noticed that speed bumps were added to Bernie Dr. just recently. This is great, however, when are speed bumps going to be added to Lincoln Avenue? I'd appreciate knowing the city's infrastructure process on adding this speed regulation first to a curvy road that already encourages drivers to slow down, instead of to a straight thoroughfare that regularly has drivers hitting speeds over 50mph on a residential road. Additionally, can you please give an update on when sidewalks will be added all along Lincoln Ave?

    Ashley Tullis asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for your questions and sorry for our delay in responding. Residents living along Bernie Drive submitted an application through our Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program for traffic calming, resulting in speed table installation. The project location was analyzed, ranked and awarded funding through this competitive process.

    Neighbors living along Lincoln Avenue have used this program this year to submit for funding for traffic calming on Lincoln. City staff is in the process of reviewing, evaluating and ranking projects across the Vancouver. The program will announce projects awarded funding and moving forward this fall. Check out this webpage for more details:

    We suggest connecting with your Northwest Neighborhood to stay connected on this process and other developments in your neighborhood. Check out the map and neighborhood leadership information here:

    Recent work in your neighborhood, near Franklin Elementary School, was completed through a connectivity grant fund to install pedestrian and safety enhancements in your neighborhood and near the school. Sidewalks are typically installed as proprieties are developed or through grant opportunities as they arise.

  • Share How can I advocate for people to use more public transportation? I want to do something that brings attention to this issue. on Facebook Share How can I advocate for people to use more public transportation? I want to do something that brings attention to this issue. on Twitter Share How can I advocate for people to use more public transportation? I want to do something that brings attention to this issue. on Linkedin Email How can I advocate for people to use more public transportation? I want to do something that brings attention to this issue. link

    How can I advocate for people to use more public transportation? I want to do something that brings attention to this issue.

    give me hope asked 11 months ago

    Thanks for helping bring attention to transit options in Vancouver. We support travel options and help meet people where they live, work, and play. We encourage community members to bike, walk, carpool, and ride the bus more often to reduce drive-alone trips, reduce carbon emissions, and improve air quality. We also recently started a pilot "New Movers Travel Program" you can learn more about and help share with your networks here:

    You might also consider reaching out to C-TRAN to learn about transit services and plans for routes in Clark County.  


  • Share When are you going to start cleaning things up? All these new projects are great , but if you don’t take care of what you have what a waste. Every time I drive my streets in the orchards area and mill plain I wonder where my tax dollars go. We just got home from a short trip and as we drove home, I couldn’t believe the garbage and unkept landscaping. I am so hoping no out of town relatives come to visit because our city looks like a dump right now. I would be so embarrassed. Then if I took them down town they would wonder why we live in the dumps. We ALL deserve a clean city with taken care of landscaping. It doesn’t have to be fancy just take care of it. City came in and planted new trees and they have water bags around them. The trees are dying because the water bags haven’t been filled. Even with all the rain. What a waste of money. But you can hardly see them for all the weeds no one pulls. Why can’t you have the folks who chip just put the chips on the weeds and at least smother them and mulch those new trees. You need new gardeners. We need better management of clean up and taking care of things. I used to be proud to live here, now with the way the city and county councils have developed things you can’t drive anywhere, things are filthy , what an embarrassing city. After 47 years living here we are ready to move. Why aren’t more smaller homes being built, instead of McMansions. Streets aren’t being built up with the new construction all around. Just keep cramming us together without a plan, sad, sad state of affairs. Embarrassed and sad residents of Vancouver, WA, Rhonda on Facebook Share When are you going to start cleaning things up? All these new projects are great , but if you don’t take care of what you have what a waste. Every time I drive my streets in the orchards area and mill plain I wonder where my tax dollars go. We just got home from a short trip and as we drove home, I couldn’t believe the garbage and unkept landscaping. I am so hoping no out of town relatives come to visit because our city looks like a dump right now. I would be so embarrassed. Then if I took them down town they would wonder why we live in the dumps. We ALL deserve a clean city with taken care of landscaping. It doesn’t have to be fancy just take care of it. City came in and planted new trees and they have water bags around them. The trees are dying because the water bags haven’t been filled. Even with all the rain. What a waste of money. But you can hardly see them for all the weeds no one pulls. Why can’t you have the folks who chip just put the chips on the weeds and at least smother them and mulch those new trees. You need new gardeners. We need better management of clean up and taking care of things. I used to be proud to live here, now with the way the city and county councils have developed things you can’t drive anywhere, things are filthy , what an embarrassing city. After 47 years living here we are ready to move. Why aren’t more smaller homes being built, instead of McMansions. Streets aren’t being built up with the new construction all around. Just keep cramming us together without a plan, sad, sad state of affairs. Embarrassed and sad residents of Vancouver, WA, Rhonda on Twitter Share When are you going to start cleaning things up? All these new projects are great , but if you don’t take care of what you have what a waste. Every time I drive my streets in the orchards area and mill plain I wonder where my tax dollars go. We just got home from a short trip and as we drove home, I couldn’t believe the garbage and unkept landscaping. I am so hoping no out of town relatives come to visit because our city looks like a dump right now. I would be so embarrassed. Then if I took them down town they would wonder why we live in the dumps. We ALL deserve a clean city with taken care of landscaping. It doesn’t have to be fancy just take care of it. City came in and planted new trees and they have water bags around them. The trees are dying because the water bags haven’t been filled. Even with all the rain. What a waste of money. But you can hardly see them for all the weeds no one pulls. Why can’t you have the folks who chip just put the chips on the weeds and at least smother them and mulch those new trees. You need new gardeners. We need better management of clean up and taking care of things. I used to be proud to live here, now with the way the city and county councils have developed things you can’t drive anywhere, things are filthy , what an embarrassing city. After 47 years living here we are ready to move. Why aren’t more smaller homes being built, instead of McMansions. Streets aren’t being built up with the new construction all around. Just keep cramming us together without a plan, sad, sad state of affairs. Embarrassed and sad residents of Vancouver, WA, Rhonda on Linkedin Email When are you going to start cleaning things up? All these new projects are great , but if you don’t take care of what you have what a waste. Every time I drive my streets in the orchards area and mill plain I wonder where my tax dollars go. We just got home from a short trip and as we drove home, I couldn’t believe the garbage and unkept landscaping. I am so hoping no out of town relatives come to visit because our city looks like a dump right now. I would be so embarrassed. Then if I took them down town they would wonder why we live in the dumps. We ALL deserve a clean city with taken care of landscaping. It doesn’t have to be fancy just take care of it. City came in and planted new trees and they have water bags around them. The trees are dying because the water bags haven’t been filled. Even with all the rain. What a waste of money. But you can hardly see them for all the weeds no one pulls. Why can’t you have the folks who chip just put the chips on the weeds and at least smother them and mulch those new trees. You need new gardeners. We need better management of clean up and taking care of things. I used to be proud to live here, now with the way the city and county councils have developed things you can’t drive anywhere, things are filthy , what an embarrassing city. After 47 years living here we are ready to move. Why aren’t more smaller homes being built, instead of McMansions. Streets aren’t being built up with the new construction all around. Just keep cramming us together without a plan, sad, sad state of affairs. Embarrassed and sad residents of Vancouver, WA, Rhonda link

    When are you going to start cleaning things up? All these new projects are great , but if you don’t take care of what you have what a waste. Every time I drive my streets in the orchards area and mill plain I wonder where my tax dollars go. We just got home from a short trip and as we drove home, I couldn’t believe the garbage and unkept landscaping. I am so hoping no out of town relatives come to visit because our city looks like a dump right now. I would be so embarrassed. Then if I took them down town they would wonder why we live in the dumps. We ALL deserve a clean city with taken care of landscaping. It doesn’t have to be fancy just take care of it. City came in and planted new trees and they have water bags around them. The trees are dying because the water bags haven’t been filled. Even with all the rain. What a waste of money. But you can hardly see them for all the weeds no one pulls. Why can’t you have the folks who chip just put the chips on the weeds and at least smother them and mulch those new trees. You need new gardeners. We need better management of clean up and taking care of things. I used to be proud to live here, now with the way the city and county councils have developed things you can’t drive anywhere, things are filthy , what an embarrassing city. After 47 years living here we are ready to move. Why aren’t more smaller homes being built, instead of McMansions. Streets aren’t being built up with the new construction all around. Just keep cramming us together without a plan, sad, sad state of affairs. Embarrassed and sad residents of Vancouver, WA, Rhonda

    Rhonda asked 11 months ago

    Our Grounds Maintenance crew is part of the Public Works Operations Center. This dedicated crew has a lot of ‘ground’ to cover, and we encourage folks to learn more about the extensive work they do across the city.

    If you are interested, we have a great group of Litter Stewards who pick up litter in public spaces to help keep our Vancouver community safe and clean for all to enjoy. Explore the many volunteer programs and opportunities in Vancouver:

  • Share Why are there still stores that use plastic bags? I know for a fact not all of them are biodegradable and that needs to be changed. As a 15 year old kid I would MUCH rather worry about my outfit than if this world will still be functional by the time I'm old enough to drink. Give me some hope. on Facebook Share Why are there still stores that use plastic bags? I know for a fact not all of them are biodegradable and that needs to be changed. As a 15 year old kid I would MUCH rather worry about my outfit than if this world will still be functional by the time I'm old enough to drink. Give me some hope. on Twitter Share Why are there still stores that use plastic bags? I know for a fact not all of them are biodegradable and that needs to be changed. As a 15 year old kid I would MUCH rather worry about my outfit than if this world will still be functional by the time I'm old enough to drink. Give me some hope. on Linkedin Email Why are there still stores that use plastic bags? I know for a fact not all of them are biodegradable and that needs to be changed. As a 15 year old kid I would MUCH rather worry about my outfit than if this world will still be functional by the time I'm old enough to drink. Give me some hope. link

    Why are there still stores that use plastic bags? I know for a fact not all of them are biodegradable and that needs to be changed. As a 15 year old kid I would MUCH rather worry about my outfit than if this world will still be functional by the time I'm old enough to drink. Give me some hope.

    give me hope asked 11 months ago

    Thanks for your comment and perspective. Our garbage and recycling team supports reducing, reusing and recycling properly. We encourage residents, businesses and retailers to help us in reducing the use of plastic bags. Here are some tips!

    • Make reusable bags the first choice when possible.
    • Keep plastic bags, wrap and film packaging out of curbside carts.
    • Collect the clean, dry plastic wraps and bags we do get. No need to sort. It can all go in one plastic bag.
    • Take the plastic film packaging, bags and wrap to your neighborhood store local drop-off site to be collected, recycled and turned into resources to make new products, such as TREX composite lumber for benches and decking or new grocery bags.

    Check out for more details and maybe join a free class to lean more.

  • Share How can we increase biodiversity? I think we should organize a group to help plant native plants and wildflowers to attract pollinators. on Facebook Share How can we increase biodiversity? I think we should organize a group to help plant native plants and wildflowers to attract pollinators. on Twitter Share How can we increase biodiversity? I think we should organize a group to help plant native plants and wildflowers to attract pollinators. on Linkedin Email How can we increase biodiversity? I think we should organize a group to help plant native plants and wildflowers to attract pollinators. link

    How can we increase biodiversity? I think we should organize a group to help plant native plants and wildflowers to attract pollinators.

    give me hope asked 11 months ago

    Thanks for your question and great ideas. We've been excited to work recently with Vancouver Bee Project on several efforts at our Water Resources Education Center to increase biodiversity. You might check out the Water Center's Facebook page to learn more about creating wildflower meadows and native pollinator habitat sanctuaries.

  • Share Is NE St. Johns Road officially designated as a "residential street?" Can the answer to this question be found somewhere on on Facebook Share Is NE St. Johns Road officially designated as a "residential street?" Can the answer to this question be found somewhere on on Twitter Share Is NE St. Johns Road officially designated as a "residential street?" Can the answer to this question be found somewhere on on Linkedin Email Is NE St. Johns Road officially designated as a "residential street?" Can the answer to this question be found somewhere on link

    Is NE St. Johns Road officially designated as a "residential street?" Can the answer to this question be found somewhere on

    mathematrucker asked about 1 year ago

    Thanks for your inquiry. Most of NE St. Johns Road is classified as a principal arterial, with a small section south of East 33rd Street classified as a minor arterial. None of St. Johns Road is considered a residential street. Vancouver’s arterial map system can be viewed at the bottom of this webpage:

  • Share We live on SE 10th St between Ellsworth and 98th Ave. This is a residential neighborhood with school bus stops along the street, neighbors walking with pets and an east/west corridor for bicycle traffic. The posted speed limit is 25 mph, but the majority of people are not obeying the limit. I have actually been passed by another vehicle, two separate times, while driving on my own street. Who do we need to contact to bring attention to our safety concerns? on Facebook Share We live on SE 10th St between Ellsworth and 98th Ave. This is a residential neighborhood with school bus stops along the street, neighbors walking with pets and an east/west corridor for bicycle traffic. The posted speed limit is 25 mph, but the majority of people are not obeying the limit. I have actually been passed by another vehicle, two separate times, while driving on my own street. Who do we need to contact to bring attention to our safety concerns? on Twitter Share We live on SE 10th St between Ellsworth and 98th Ave. This is a residential neighborhood with school bus stops along the street, neighbors walking with pets and an east/west corridor for bicycle traffic. The posted speed limit is 25 mph, but the majority of people are not obeying the limit. I have actually been passed by another vehicle, two separate times, while driving on my own street. Who do we need to contact to bring attention to our safety concerns? on Linkedin Email We live on SE 10th St between Ellsworth and 98th Ave. This is a residential neighborhood with school bus stops along the street, neighbors walking with pets and an east/west corridor for bicycle traffic. The posted speed limit is 25 mph, but the majority of people are not obeying the limit. I have actually been passed by another vehicle, two separate times, while driving on my own street. Who do we need to contact to bring attention to our safety concerns? link

    We live on SE 10th St between Ellsworth and 98th Ave. This is a residential neighborhood with school bus stops along the street, neighbors walking with pets and an east/west corridor for bicycle traffic. The posted speed limit is 25 mph, but the majority of people are not obeying the limit. I have actually been passed by another vehicle, two separate times, while driving on my own street. Who do we need to contact to bring attention to our safety concerns?

    MerrySunshine asked about 1 year ago

    Hi MerrySunshine! Sorry to hear about the speeding issues you're experiencing in your neighborhood. Good news! The application period for our neighborhood traffic calming grant program opened today! These projects help reduce vehicle speeds and improve neighborhood safety and livability. Through a competitive process, project locations are ranked, selected and awarded funding and implementation each program year. You can learn more about the program, how to submit an issue and our other resources for reporting traffic-related complaints in your neighborhood at: 

  • Share We recently received the City of Vancouver water quality report. Why did the city wait THREE years to let us know about the elevated levels of PFOA/PFOS in our drinking water? Water rates are high in our zip code but then to find out there are higher than acceptable levels of these substances in our water three years after it was discovered is just outrageous! For some people the damage could already be done. It took 3 years to study this? What is actually being done to remedy this and when will it be completed? You had a duty to let consumers know when you found out about it and not to wait three years. I certainly did not appreciate the casual way this info was presented in the notice. Please advise. Thank you, on Facebook Share We recently received the City of Vancouver water quality report. Why did the city wait THREE years to let us know about the elevated levels of PFOA/PFOS in our drinking water? Water rates are high in our zip code but then to find out there are higher than acceptable levels of these substances in our water three years after it was discovered is just outrageous! For some people the damage could already be done. It took 3 years to study this? What is actually being done to remedy this and when will it be completed? You had a duty to let consumers know when you found out about it and not to wait three years. I certainly did not appreciate the casual way this info was presented in the notice. Please advise. Thank you, on Twitter Share We recently received the City of Vancouver water quality report. Why did the city wait THREE years to let us know about the elevated levels of PFOA/PFOS in our drinking water? Water rates are high in our zip code but then to find out there are higher than acceptable levels of these substances in our water three years after it was discovered is just outrageous! For some people the damage could already be done. It took 3 years to study this? What is actually being done to remedy this and when will it be completed? You had a duty to let consumers know when you found out about it and not to wait three years. I certainly did not appreciate the casual way this info was presented in the notice. Please advise. Thank you, on Linkedin Email We recently received the City of Vancouver water quality report. Why did the city wait THREE years to let us know about the elevated levels of PFOA/PFOS in our drinking water? Water rates are high in our zip code but then to find out there are higher than acceptable levels of these substances in our water three years after it was discovered is just outrageous! For some people the damage could already be done. It took 3 years to study this? What is actually being done to remedy this and when will it be completed? You had a duty to let consumers know when you found out about it and not to wait three years. I certainly did not appreciate the casual way this info was presented in the notice. Please advise. Thank you, link

    We recently received the City of Vancouver water quality report. Why did the city wait THREE years to let us know about the elevated levels of PFOA/PFOS in our drinking water? Water rates are high in our zip code but then to find out there are higher than acceptable levels of these substances in our water three years after it was discovered is just outrageous! For some people the damage could already be done. It took 3 years to study this? What is actually being done to remedy this and when will it be completed? You had a duty to let consumers know when you found out about it and not to wait three years. I certainly did not appreciate the casual way this info was presented in the notice. Please advise. Thank you,

    SunnyD86 asked almost 2 years ago

    Providing customers with a safe water supply is a top priority, and we appreciate your questions. PFAS are a group of human-made chemicals found worldwide that have been used in consumer products since the 1940s. In 2020, the City completed proactive testing, not required by state or federal standards, finding PFAS at very low levels in some of the City’s groundwater wells. This information was published on the City’s website, and

    Recently, following the State of Washington’s mandatory testing requirement for the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in water supplies, the City of Vancouver conducted testing and shared a preliminary postcard and results mailer with its 78,000 water customers. We encourage you to review the two websites noted above for more information, including actions the City is taking to protect and maintain drinking water quality, as well as guidance from state and national public health agencies on meaningful ways to reduce exposure to PFAS in water and other sources. Thank you for reaching out.

Page last updated: 25 Sep 2023, 07:59 AM