City Council workshops Oct. 28
Vancouver City Council will meet in two workshops about the Stronger Vancouver initiative on Monday, Oct. 28. Both workshops will take pace in the Aspen Conference Room on the first floor of Vancouver City Hall (415 W. Sixth St.). These workshops are open to the public and will be audio recorded, but will not be broadcast on Clark/Vancouver Television (CVTV).
Workshop #1 | 4-6 p.m.
City Council will engage in a detailed review of two possible revenue sources for Stronger Vancouver programs and projects: Park Impact Fees, which are paid by land developers, and an admissions tax; and will review some alternative scenarios.
Workshop #2 | 6:45 p.m.
City Council will discuss, deliberate and provide direction on remaining variables of the Stronger Vancouver initiative.
Review workshop memo to City Council from City Manager Eric Holmes.
Consultation has concluded