City Council Getting Preview of Stronger Vancouver Levy Feb. 10
Vancouver City Council has been holding workshops nearly every week starting in January to develop the final capital projects and programs and services packages. These workshops have been part of Council's regular weekly meetings on Mondays.
On Monday, Feb. 10, Council will have another workshop to finalize the programs and services package. They will also get a preview of a levy design. The first half of the worksho is from 4 to 6 p.m. The workshop will then be continued immediately following the regular Council meeting and citizen forum, which starts at 6:30 p.m. Testimony about A Stronger Vancouver (or any other topic) is welcome during the citizen forum.
City Council workshops are open to the public, but testimony is not typically taken. The workshop (both parts) will be recorded by Clark/Vancouver Television. You can watch it live on Comcast channel 23/323 or streaming on It will also be available on demand after Monday night at
Consultation has concluded