City Council Citizen Forum Dec. 9
Vancouver City Council is offering another community feedback opportunity where the public can speak directly them about the Stronger Vancouver initiative at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9, 2019. This week's meeting will occur at the Firstenburg Community Center's (700 N.E. 136th Ave.) on the east side of the city.
Each speaker will be asked to fill out a pre-printed testimony card (provided at the counter at the entrance to Chambers) with their name/address. They will also asked to give their name and city of residence for the audio record. Each speaker who has filled out a testimony card shall have one opportunity to address the Council. Citizens testifying are asked to limit testimony to three minutes.
If you are unable to sit at the table to give your testimony and wish to have a wireless microphone provided to you, please notify City support staff at the meeting.
A link to the full agenda will be added to this page as soon as it's available.
Consultation has concluded